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A month-long art exhibit featuring the works of artists from around the globe. The collection represents a variety of voices, perspectives, and experiences during the pandemic.

Creativity in the Time of COVID-19: Art for Equity and Social Justice

Creativity in the Time of COVID-19: Art for Equity and Social Justice

A month-long art exhibit featuring the works of artists from around the globe. The collection represents a variety of voices, perspectives, and experiences during the pandemic.

This equity-based art exhibit begins to create an international and global dialogue about the effects of COVID-19 on the everyday lives of people who value creativity. It opens up spaces for interesting dialogue about creativity, health, well-being, and social justice.

Creativity in the Time of COVID-19


As the COVID-19 made its way across the globe, disparities in access to resources grew. Geography, identity, and histories of inequity and injustice made more visible the ways in which some people are disproportionately affected by devastating global events.


Many people who were disproportionately affected by the pandemic and others that serve those populations responded with creativity. Their creative spirits tell stories of loss, of anger, of sorrow, of generosity, of resilience, and of personal and social journeys that open paths for equity and social justice. Their work illustrates where the fault lines lie as they express themselves as acts of agency.

Upcoming Events

Art for Equity and Social Justice Closing Reception

April 29th

Frandor Sears Building

April 5th – April 30th

Lansing Art Gallery & Education Center

April 5th – April 29th

Impression 5 Science Center

Date range TBD

REACH Studio Art Center

April 3rd – April 29th

Refugee Development Center

Date range TBD
